All Orders have FREE DELIVERY!

Banner with Portable Metal A-Frame Kit Indoor or Outdoor Display – 4ft or 8ft


All Orders have Free Delivery!

Grab attention with an A-Frame Banner Displays available in 4ft wide and 8ft wide *Optional Banner for One Side or Both Sides.

Maximum file size: 64 MB
Maximum file size: 64 MB

This Product has Fast FREE Delivery!
Estimated Delivery Date: Feb 14, 2025

PLEASE NOTE** If we design your print file, the Estimated Times begin with your written approval of the design print layout that we email or text to you. Or if you upload a final print ready file, that does not require modification, we print right away without contacting you further, unless otherwise instructed in the notes that you can enter during checkout. Deadline for approval cutoff time is prior to 4 PM (PST), weekdays. Free Delivery areas include all local addresses or anywhere in the lower 48 states and some products also ship to Alaska and Hawaii. Expedited Production and Delivery is available for some items and above estimated delivery times will be less if choosing an expedited option, call 509-795-1415 for more details.

SKU: M-A-Frame-Banner Categories: , , , , , ,

Compact and Portable, collapsible, lightweight, aluminum A-Frame, and optional One or Two Printed Banners with your custom graphic, message or Logo. Includes a Convenient Carrying Case.

Ideal for outdoor events, football games, soccer games, baseball game advertising. Our A-Frame Banner Display is a durable and effective advertising tool. Select single or double graphics to display your message for double the impact. The sturdy aluminum poles easily connect for quick assembly and the grommeted banners freely attach via hook and bungee cords.



  • 4ft Frame Graphic: 1 or 2 Single-Sided Graphics ( 45″ Wide x 32″ High )
  • 8ft Frame Graphic: 1 or 2 Single-Sided Graphics (94″ Wide x 33″ High)
  • Finishing: Hem All Sides; 4 Grommets Top and Bottom
  • Frame: Aluminum Poles; Bungee w/ Hooks

Printed Banner Material:

  • 13 oz Matte Vinyl Banner
  • Outdoor UV Fade Resistant
  • Waterproof
  • Changeable



Artwork Requirements: Please provide high quality, preferably vector, AI (CS6), EPS, PDF, or JPG file in CMYK color mode at Actual Size Chosen, NO Crop Marks, NO Bleeds, at 150dpi.


Other helpful information: All Orders have FREE
Delivery and local pickup are Not available. Production and Delivery
Times are approximately 5-7 business days and may differ depending upon our current production workload. Rush Orders are Not Available. Production time begins After all final artwork proofs have been approved. If print-ready art is provided, no proof will be given and production begins immediately. We are not responsible for typos or errors after artwork has been approved, or on provided print-ready art. Once artwork is approved or print-ready artwork is provided, no additional artwork changes or order cancellation will be allowed. All orders are custom made to order and are non-refundable once production begins. If a client cancels before production begins, and we have created any design or art, the product can be refunded minus the artwork setup cost. *Please Note:
costs are subject to change as our current economy has been
volatile and we are subject to increases from our suppliers and we must

maintain equivalent changes.


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