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Deluxe 10 Ft Feather Flag – starting at $149


All Orders have Free Delivery!

10ft Feather Flag Includes our deluxe ground stake with a ball bearing swivel for windy conditions that helps increase product longevity.

Maximum file size: 64 MB
Maximum file size: 64 MB

This Product has Fast FREE Delivery!
Estimated Delivery Date: Feb 14, 2025

PLEASE NOTE** If we design your print file, the Estimated Times begin with your written approval of the design print layout that we email or text to you. Or if you upload a final print ready file, that does not require modification, we print right away without contacting you further, unless otherwise instructed in the notes that you can enter during checkout. Deadline for approval cutoff time is prior to 4 PM (PST), weekdays. Free Delivery areas include all local addresses or anywhere in the lower 48 states and some products also ship to Alaska and Hawaii. Expedited Production and Delivery is available for some items and above estimated delivery times will be less if choosing an expedited option, call 509-795-1415 for more details.

SKU: M-Deluxe10ftFlag Categories: , , , , , ,

Our Deluxe 10 Foot Tall Feather Flag is available as printed on One Side (print thu) or Get Exceptional Vibrant Colors when you print Both sides. On our Double sided feather flag, we print with an inner gray liner so that both sides show up bright and vivid without any light bleed through, so that your message gets noticed. Our flag is suitable for indoor and outdoor events. Effectively advertise your logo or message with our feather flag. Its curved sleeve and free-flying edge allow the flag to grab attention without wrapping around the pole, and assembly is easy.

Includes with collapsable flag pole hardware and our deluxe ground stake with a ball bearing swivel to allow it to last much longer in windy conditions by turning with the direction of the wind.

As an additional option, you can choose a handy carrying bag for the pole set and ground stake and flag that helps if you are traveling from one tradeshow event to another. Other options available are the foldable Cross Base for indoor use, or add a water bag to balance it for limited outdoor use. You can also add a heavy metal square base for indoor or limited outdoor use and portability.


  • 4 oz. Polyester flag material
  • High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • Dye sublimation
  • Scratch resistant
  • Washable


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