All Orders have FREE DELIVERY!

Sidewalk A-Frame Sandwich Board Sign 3ft H x 2ft W


All Orders have Free Delivery!

Ultra durable sign frame can be filled with sand in for extra wind resistance. Includes Printed Adhesive Vinyl Graphics

Maximum file size: 64 MB
Maximum file size: 64 MB

This Product has Fast FREE Delivery!
Estimated Delivery Date: Dec 16, 2024

PLEASE NOTE** If we design your print file, the Estimated Times begin with your written approval of the design print layout that we email or text to you. Or if you upload a final print ready file, that does not require modification, we print right away without contacting you further, unless otherwise instructed in the notes that you can enter during checkout. Deadline for approval cutoff time is prior to 4 PM (PST), weekdays. Free Delivery areas include all local addresses or anywhere in the lower 48 states and some products also ship to Alaska and Hawaii. Expedited Production and Delivery is available for some items and above estimated delivery times will be less if choosing an expedited option, call 509-795-1415 for more details.

SKU: M-Sidewalk-A-Frame Categories: , , ,

Our high quality plastic formed a-board sign includes your 36″ High by 24″ Wide, UV printed vinyl graphics on both sides of the frame. (optional upgrade to changeable corrugated plastic signs)




This rugged SigniCade a-board frame outlasts wooden frames in harsh climates for years to come. The vinyl print is printed with waterproof, outdoor UV inks and gives you a bright and crisp method of advertising your business.

Standard Production

This product is completed with our standard 7-10 day production. We know how important it is for you to get your project completed quickly and efficiently. This is why we make it our goal to get every order out the door as soon as possible, after your final approval to proceed with the printing after you verify everything looks just perfect!


*Free GROUND Shipping

No matter if you are in Bellingham, New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, we now offer Fast Next Day Sign Printing and Free GROUND Shipping directly to your door!

Once Covid-19 hit, At Signs we changed our game plan of how we do business and we know how important safety is to you and your family, this is why we now offer Free Shipping, delivered directly to your door!

* Note, this item is not available to ship to Alaska or Hawaii.




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