All Orders have FREE DELIVERY!

Door Hangers, Heavy Duty 14pt Card Stock


All Orders have Free Delivery!

Prices starting at $1.19 each for set of 100 Door Hanger Cards. Prices as low as 15 cents each!

Maximum file size: 64 MB
Maximum file size: 64 MB

This Product has Fast FREE Delivery!
Estimated Delivery Date: Dec 24, 2024

PLEASE NOTE** If we design your print file, the Estimated Times begin with your written approval of the design print layout that we email or text to you. Or if you upload a final print ready file, that does not require modification, we print right away without contacting you further, unless otherwise instructed in the notes that you can enter during checkout. Deadline for approval cutoff time is prior to 4 PM (PST), weekdays. Free Delivery areas include all local addresses or anywhere in the lower 48 states and some products also ship to Alaska and Hawaii. Expedited Production and Delivery is available for some items and above estimated delivery times will be less if choosing an expedited option, call 509-795-1415 for more details.

SKU: M-DoorHanger Categories: , , ,

Our Standard, Custom Door Hangers 8.5″ High by 3.5″ Wide

Our standard door hangers have printing on one side only. It is easy to attract attention with door hanger advertising. For one thing, a sign hanging on a doorknob is hard to miss. It will be seen every time. Because of the outdoor exposure, durability is something to consider when searching for door hanger printing services. Ours are printed on heavy 14 pt cardstock.

Customize these door hangers with your own artwork and our other selection options to make them uniquely yours. They will grab your customers’ attention and connect with them as you bring your message into their homes. Outdoor UV Printed Door Hangers Cards with your choice of Coating.

Each protective coating highlights the most important parts of your business card design. Choose a finish that boosts the impression your company needs to make.


  • Colors instantly pop as the entire design shines
  • Bring attention to your branding by coating both sides of a 14 pt. Cardstock

High Gloss UV

  • Gives your business a professional shine
  • Gets attention as soon as it lands on your client’s hands
  • Coat the front of a 14 pt. Cardstock for that distinct finish or both sides to sustain the customer’s attention


  • An elegant touch on both sides
  • Ideal for luxury brands or designs
  • Available in the standard 14 pt. Cardstock


  • Provides a writable surface for cards that will be attached to important documents
  • Applied on one or both sides, depending on the space you alot for writing


You can also turn your edges to smooth, rounded corners. Play with the overall aesthetic and have rounded corners on all or two sides. However you decide to customize, we assure all-around quality in our standard business card printing.

Production Time is approximately 5-7 Business Days. FREE Ground SHIPPING, anywhere in the USA including Alaska and Hawaii!

Simply Upload your File and we will do the rest!


Artwork Requirements: Please provide high quality, preferably vector, AI (CS6), EPS, PDF, or JPG file in CMYK color mode at Actual Size Chosen, NO Crop Marks, NO Bleeds, at 150dpi. See here for further artwork requirements.


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